The Riverina Environmental Education Centre is offering a professional learning course that will allow participants to accure 5 hours of elective PD toward their NESA maintenance PD hours.
This course endeavours to explore the benefits of learning outdoors as part of the delivery of curriculum in primary schools. As a teaching methodology - learning in, about and for the outdoors, participants draw on content from a range of learning areas and learn some strategies to engage students in outdoor learning activities. Teachers will gain access to a multitude of outdoor learning resources, including an interactive site (‘Numeracy and Nature’) which houses downloadable activities and printables to teach outcomes from the Mathematics K-6 Measurement and Space in an outdoor setting.
See the tab 'Numeracy and Nature' on this website, to find out more information about this resource and access it now.
Course code on MyPL is NR38817
Limited places will be available. Keep an eye on this website and our facebook page for further updates!
On day 1 of term 2, REEC staff visited EA Southee Public School to introduce a professional learning course which would set them up to be our 'lighthouse school' for Outdoor Learning pedagogies.
The benefits of outdoor learning are many and varied. Positive outcomes for wellbeing, physical and mental health, and experiential strategies for engaging students in their learning are the focus of the professional learning opportunity!