Riverina Environmental Education Centre

"YINDYAMARRA" Slowly - Carefully - Respectfully

Telephone02 6932 9134


Geography - Environmental Change and Management

Stage 5 - Environment Change and Management

Students will conduct a Geographical inquiry into changes over time in the management and use of the catchment of Lake Albert. They will engage with geographical tools to acquire, process and communicate information to answer inquiry questions about Aboriginal, historic, current and future management of the Lake Albert catchment and differing stateholder perspectives.
Fieldwork can include:
  • observing, measuring, collecting and recording data
  • fieldwork instruments such as weather instruments and water testing kits
  • virtual excursion via a google site

If you require further information please contact REEC:

Phone: 02 6932 9134                                                                OR


Please be advised that access to the online booking form requires login using your @education.nsw.gov.au email address to grant permission, as the online booking enquiry form is a google form.

Click on REEC Possum to make a booking enquiry