Riverina Environmental Education Centre

"YINDYAMARRA" Slowly - Carefully - Respectfully

Telephone02 6932 9134


Geographical Tools and Fieldwork skills

Stage 4 - Geography Tools and Fieldwork skills

To introduce students to the tools used in geographical fieldwork we can collaborate to design a local study where students can be introduced to a range of techniques.

Fieldwork can include:

  • observing, measuring, collecting and recording data
  • fieldwork instruments such as weather instruments, vegatation identification charts and compasses
  • maps to identify direction, scale and distance, area and grid references, latitude and longitude, altitude, area, contour lines, gradient, local relief

If you require further information please contact REEC:

Phone: 02 6932 9134                                                                OR


Please be advised that access to the online booking form requires login using your @education.nsw.gov.au email address to grant permission, as the online booking enquiry form is a google form.

Click on REEC Possum to make a booking enquiry

Students will undertake a variety of scientific investigations to develop an understanding of the abiotic and biotic features of a local ecosystem. Furthermore, they will use observation to describe energy and material flow in this system.

These investigations will assist them to understand the health of the local ecosystems and both cultural and current management strategies employed to conserve this important ecosystem.

This study can be applied to Box-Gum Grassy Woodland ecosystem at Riverina EEC, River Red Gum ecosystems along the Murray-Darling basin or any local ecosystem of your choice.

Fieldwork can include:

  • abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem
  • energy flows through ecosystems
  • conservation and management of sustainable ecosystems