Riverina Environmental Education Centre

"YINDYAMARRA" Slowly - Carefully - Respectfully

Telephone02 6932 9134


Ecosystems and global biodiversity - Australian Alpine Kosciuszko National Park

Stage 6 Ecosystems and global biodiversity - Australian Alpine  Kosciuszko National Park

The focus of this study is a geographical investigation of the functioning of ecosystems at risk, their management and protection. Students will participate in a 3 day case study and fieldwork of Alpine and Sub-Alpine ecosystems at Kosciuszko National Park to learn about.

  • The nature and complexity of ecosystem functioning and global biodiversity
  • The value of ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The relationship between ecological and human stresses, and the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems, including ecological integrity and biocapacity
  • The global state of ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Strategies for the sustainable management of ecosystems at a range of scales, including at least one successful conservation program
  • The role played by Indigenous Peoples in contemporary management practices
As of Term 2 2025 Riverina Environmental Education Centre will only support regional, rural and remote schools with Stage 6 Geography Alpine excursions. 
Advice and support will be given to NSW Department of Education metropolitan schools however we will not be able to attend excursions with you. Riverina EEC supports closing the education gap for regional, rural and remote K - 12 schools across our community.
Schools will be responsible for the planning, booking and expenses for this 3 day excursion.
Planning advice and Riverina EEC excursion costs available upon contact with Riverina EEC on 69329134

If you require further information please contact REEC:

Phone: 02 6932 9134                                                                OR


Please be advised that access to the online booking form requires login using your @education.nsw.gov.au email address to grant permission, as the online booking enquiry form is a google form.

Click on REEC Possum to make a booking enquiry