Riverina Environmental Education Centre

"YINDYAMARRA" Slowly - Carefully - Respectfully

Telephone02 6932 9134


About us

The Riverina Environmental Education Centre (REEC) is situated on the Olympic Way at Wagga Wagga. It is a facility of the NSW Department of Education and Communities and provides services to public schools in NSW.

REEC has been established for 35 years and caters on average for 5000 Kindergarten to Year 12 students per annum. The Centre is committed to assisting students and teachers understanding and improving the quality of their environment.

Facilities at REEC include an Administration Office, Demountable Classroom, Microscope & Interactive Classroom and Traditional Aboriginal Campsite set in surrounding bushland.

The Centre is staffed by a full-time Principal, Teacher and an Administrative Manager, and a part-time General Assistant.

Students mainly use REEC in the Murrumbidgee catchment, as well as schools from Lachlan and Murray catchments within reasonable travel time to Wagga. Schools from Griffith, Hillston, West Wyalong, Young, Tumut, Tumbarumba, Khancoban, Albury, Corowa, Finley, Deniliquin and all surrounding areas utilise the Centre on a regular basis throughout the year.

REEC runs a mix of programs to cater to students (K-12) from the region. Student groups visit the Centre or Centre staff visit schools throughout the Riverina and Southwest slopes, to run outreach programs. The Centre utilises a variety of sites throughout the Riverina for studies. 

REEC works cooperatively with other Environmental Education providers including  Lake Cowal Conservation Centre,  Environmental and Zoo Education Centres,  Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils, Wagga Wagga City Council and NSW Universities.