Riverina Environmental Education Centre

"YINDYAMARRA" Slowly - Carefully - Respectfully

Telephone02 6932 9134


Needs of living things

The Early Stage One program is designed to provide opportunities for students to investigate the needs of living things and how the use of our senses helps us stay alive.

In this program, students are made the carer of their own native Australian animal. 

The challenge is set – using a passport, return your animal to it's correct native habitat.  Learn about the needs of your animal and it's adaptations to survive in it's natural environment.

Activities provided allow students to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore.  

This study aligns with 'Staying Alive' from the Primary Connections series.

If you require further information please contact REEC:

Phone: 02 6932 9134                                                                OR

Student excursion fee to attend REEC is $5 per student.

Please be advised that access to the online booking form requires login using your @education.nsw.gov.au email address to grant permission, as the online booking enquiry form is a google form.

Click on REEC Possum to make a booking enquiry

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